In the Ring

“In the Ring” introduces Dario “DC” Caivano, heavyweight champion, who is also a man with a heavy heart. It isn’t without reason, however. As a teenager, Dario witnessed the murder of someone that he loved like a brother, and it took a lot out of him. It hardened him and left little to trust. Years have passed since the horrific crime, but it hasn’t gotten Dario any closer to being a man that can love . . . or be loved. In fact, he’s his best self when he’s in the ring where he can release his aggressions, if only for twelve rounds of “play”, to escape to a world where he can repeatedly annihilate the person responsible for his cousin’s death.

But what happens when he allows himself to come up for air?

Chanel Norwood is a single parent and club owner who is something like a “Boss”. She’s fiercely independent and knows exactly what she wants out of life, and right now it isn’t to be in an intimate relationship. She’s too busy taking care of business and raising a preteen son. After a failed relationship, Chanel has sworn off men—especially athletes. In her eyes, she’s already had one too many.

But how long can you fight fate?

When Dario and Chanel are thrown together, while the attraction is there, sparks don’t immediately fly. Both of them have lives and hearts that they’re very protective of. But as time goes on, they find there’s more to guard than just emotions when their worlds collide in a way that no one ever expected.

“In the Ring” is not without its share of secrets, drama, and ah-ha moments. Overall, it’s a story of love, loss, life and paths to new beginnings.

Also in the Series